(1) Departure Aerodrome (maximum 4 characters)
On an ICAO flight plan, use four character location indicators.
Example: EDDS, EPKK, LZKZ.
ICAO aerodrome designators are presented in ICAO Doc 7910. You can find them using the Airport Directory.
If no location indicator is specified, as is the case in water aerodromes or many of the land VFR aerodromes, insert “ZZZZ” and specify the full name of the aerodrome in Item 18 preceded by “DEP/”.
If the name of the departure point is not listed in any aeronautical publication, to indicate it in Item 18 use:
- degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude.
Example: DEP/5023N02214E
- bearing and distance to a navigation point or navigational aid.
Example: DEP/ABC180017 (which means bearing 180 degrees and distance 17 NM from ABC aid)
(2) Departure Time (maximum 4 characters)
Here indicate the hour and minutes in Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) your estimated off-block time. Do not use nonalphanumeric characters (+ . ; = , ) they will not be accepted or printed.
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