Item 8
This item indicates both flight rules and type of flight. Flight rules are important due to different regulations, weather and separation minimums for IFR and VFR flights.
Insert one of the following letters to denote the category of flight rules with which the pilot intends to comply. Options are:
- I for IFR
- V for VFR
- Y for IFR first, then VFR (this will indicate to ATS that during the flight a pilot will call for IFR flight cancellation)
- Z for VFR first, then IFR (this will indicate to ATS that during the flight a pilot will call for changing to IFR which will require ATC clearance from ATS)
If “Y” or “Z” is filed, specify, in the route section of the flight plan, the point(s) where a change in flight rules is planned. Similarly, where there is more than one change in the type of flight rules, the code to be used is to reflect the first rule, i.e., use “Z” for VFR/IFR/VFR.
Then insert one of the following letters to denote the type of flight if required by the appropriate ATS authority. Options are: - S for scheduled air service
- N for non-scheduled air service
- G for general aviation
- M for military
- X for other than the preceding categories
The most frequent option for general aviation is: VG (assuming You will fly VFR general aviation flight)
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